Article published in Journal FAQ

Journals Publisher is best forum for publishing academic papers quickly which have very high visibility due to scholarly open access International Journals. All journals are open access. Article published in journal are open access.

What is the process of publish Research paper quickly?

For publishing academic papers quickly, you need to prepare research work in word format. It include abstract, title, introduction, research work, conclusion, references.

How am I getting published in international journals?

You need to submit your paper at submit.rpj@gmail.com for publishing a journal article quickly?

How much time is needed for publishing?

It will take 2 days for fast publication journals for complete publishing process of article publication.

How do I know that my research paper is published?

After article is published, you will be informed by Journals Publisher about your research paper published.

What is the benefit of open access?

Open access published research article have very high visibility as compared to subscription based journals. In addition to above, chances for the derivative work of your research paper will be improved. This will further enhance your academic profile. 

I want to contact editor of Journal, please inform the process?

Please mail your query at submit.rpj@gmail.com for quick reply about research publishing. Author can also consult editor regarding research work. 

How do I find scope of Journal?

Scope of Journal is written on Journal page, please click on journal for complete details about issue, volume, years.

How old is your Journals Publisher?

Journals Publisher is started in 2013.

Do you provide free editing service?

Yes, we provide free editing service for publishing scientific papers. No charge is required. In addition, free language service is provide. This will help author whose native language is not English.

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