Peer Review Process

Publishing in Scholarly Journal

Journals Publisher is one of the best online research paper publication sites for publishing in scholarly journal. Moreover, All publish fast peer reviewed journals includes topics of engineering, healthcare, social science, and Life sciences. You can submit paper at or click here to submit your paper.

Peer review process for publishing in scholarly journal depends on the research work made by authors. These investigation is on the concerned area of research of authors. In addition, logical way of representing research work, and originality of research work are some important points. Author should understand before submitting his / her article for publishing in the academic journal. Moreover, Journals Publisher make publishing system most reliable so that peer reviewers did not contact authors. In conclusion, this process will makes publishing fair, fast and quick.

Peer Review process

Selection to publish open access papers depends on multiple factors. Firstly, one of the major factors is scope of journal, and if article submitted is outside the scope of journal then it will be outright rejected. Secondly, if research work is very important in the research field then it will be immediately accepted. Thirdly, it is logical way of representation and correct grammatical use of language. Finally, Manuscript should be easily understandable and research idea should be clear. In addition, author may take help of editorial service.

Most significant part of research work selection is peer reviewer recommendation, Peer reviewer send feedback to editors about the manuscript. On the other hand, Peer reviewer writes flaws and strength of the manuscript. Most importantly, comment of reviewer helps editor to send recommendation to author for further improvement in submitted manuscript. In addition, editor had choice to outright accept or reject it. Our Journals Publisher strong believes is that peer reviewer’s selection is based anonymously which provides honest feedback on manuscripts.

Now these days open scientific journals follow strict timelines for complete peer review process, Journals Publisher follow strict guidelines to provide timely peer review of submitted manuscript to editorial board members. On receiving reviewer comment, Editorial board members takes decision and inform this decision to author. If there is any conflict of interest related to manuscript then peer reviewer should inform this to author, it is duty of peer reviewer to handle manuscript confidentially.